Photo Galleries
1-Column Gallery
In this example, the gallery only has one image, but more images can be added. All of the images would span the full width, so the images need to be wide enough to do so.

2-Column Gallery | Same Aspect Ratio
In this example, the image on the right is actually more than twice the size of the one on the left. They display the same here because their aspect ratio is the same. In this instance, both images are square.

3-Column Gallery | Same Aspect Ratio
In this example, The images are different sizes, but have the same aspect ratio, so they display the same size in the gallery.

4-Column Gallery | Same Aspect Ratio
In this example, The images are different sizes, but have the same aspect ratio, so they display the same size in the gallery.

5-Column Gallery | Same Aspect Ratio
In this example, The images are different sizes, but have the same aspect ratio, so they display the same size in the gallery.

10-Column Gallery | Limited use
Galleries can have between 1 to 10 columns. In a 10-column gallery however, the images will be small and difficult to see, but may have value for some applications. Even if the gallery is set to 10 columns, it can have fewer or more images.

3-Column Gallery | Mixed Aspect Ratio
The six images in this 3-column gallery have different aspect ratios. The module places the images automatically to the best fit possible.

4-Column Gallery | Mixed Aspect Ratio
The twelve images in this 4-column gallery have different aspect ratios. The module places the images automatically to the best fit possible.

5-Column Gallery | Mixed Aspect Ratio
The 10 images in this 5-column gallery have different aspect ratios. The module places the images automatically to the best fit possible.

2-Galleries Combined
The first gallery is a 1-column gallery and only has one image. The second gallery is a 3-column gallery with four images, all with different aspect ratios.

3 Galleries Combined
The first gallery is a 1-column gallery and only has one image. The second gallery is a 4-column gallery with all four images having the same aspect ratio so that it will align propery with the third gallery. The third gallery is a 2-column gallery with two images of different aspect ratios.

2 Galleries Combined with added CSS
By default, the galleries are set to align at the top. The first gallery in this example has the three top images, has been given a ‘class’ and simple css to override the default so that they align at the bottom of the gallery. Since the positioning of the images is controlled with JavaScript, only one row can be adjusted to align at the bottom of the gallery in this manner. Attempting to have multiple rows will result in the images overlapping, because they will all sit at the bottom of the gallery. The second gallery in this example contains the remaining six images and aligns in the usual manner.

4 Galleries Combined with added CSS
By default, the galleries are set to align at the top. The first gallery in this example has the five top images, has been given a ‘class’ and simple css to override the default so that they align at the bottom of the gallery. Since the positioning of the images is controlled with JavaScript, only one row can be adjusted to align at the bottom of the gallery in this manner. Attempting to have multiple rows will result in the images overlapping, because they will all sit at the bottom of the gallery.
The second gallery is a 1-column gallery with one image. The third gallery is a 3-column gallery with only three images that have the same aspect ratio, so that it will align properly with the fourth gallery. The fourth gallery is a 4-column gallery and contains the remaining images and aligns in the usual manner.